Generation of maximally entangled states in pumped nonlinear couplers induced by broadband laser light
Trong bài báo này, mô hình cắt trạng thái quang học của buồng cộng hưởng hai
mode được phân tích. Bộ nối phi tuyến kiểu Kerr với hai mode được kích thích bởi
trường cổ điển ngoài được giả thiết tách thành hai phần: kết hợp và nhiễu trắng.
Chúng ta có thể thấy rằng sự tiến triển lượng tử của các bộ nối khép kín trong
không gian Hilbert hai qubit chỉ mở rộng ra bởi các trạng thái đơn photon và chân
không. Do đó, các bộ nối có thể nghiên cứu như hệ hai qubit. Phân tích sự tiến triển
theo thời gian của sự đan rối lượng tử chỉ ra rằng các trạng thái đan rối cực đại cóthể được tạo ra và so sánh những kết quả này với những kết quả tìm được trong các
tài liệu trước đó.
Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Generation of maximally entangled states in pumped nonlinear couplers induced by broadband laser light

Physics N.T.H. Sang, L.T.T. Oanh,, “Generation of maximally entangled states” 122 GENERATION OF MAXIMALLY ENTANGLED STATES IN PUMPED NONLINEAR COUPLERS INDUCED BY BROADBAND LASER LIGHT Nguyen Thi Hong Sang1, Luong Thi Tu Oanh2, Chu Van Lanh1, Doan Quoc Tuan3, Le Thi Thuy4, Le Thi Thanh Binh5, Doan Quoc Khoa5,* Abstract: In this paper, model of optical state truncation of two cavity modes are analysed. The Kerr nonlinear coupler with two of them pumped by external classical fields, which is assumed to be decomposed into two parts: a coherent part and a white noise. We can see that the quantum evolution of the pumped couplers is closed in a Hilbert space of two-qubit spanned by single-photon and vacuum states only. Hence, the pumped couplers can treat as a system of two-qubit. Analysis of time evolution of the quantum entanglement shows that maximally entangled states can be generated and compare these results with that obtained previously in the literature. Keywords: Kerr nonlinear coupler, Quantum entanglement, Bell states, White noise. 1. INTRODUCTION An important research area in quantum optics is methods for manipulation of nonclassical states of light, especially in relation to possible optical implementations of systems for quantum communication and quantum computers and quantum cryptography [1]. Among the various schemes for the generation of optical-qubit, the device of quantum scissors of Pegg et al. [2] produces a superposition of single-photon and vacuum states, by optical-state truncation of an input single-mode coherent light. The quantum scissors device was considered in numerous papers [3–8]. In all above-mentioned schemes are restricted to the single-mode optical truncation and have supposed that the laser light is perfectly monochrome. Nevertheless, a real laser is never completely monochrome and it is usually modeled by Gaussian process. Furthermore, exactly analytical averaging of stochastic equations with Gaussian process is a not easy task. Nearly only the extreme case of white noise has been well studied. Even for the case of white noise, we can achieve some interesting results [9-12]. Here we should expand the formalism given in [13] to the more realistic case, when the laser width should be taken into account. By generalising former scheme in [14], we display a realization of nonlinear quantum scissors for optical- state truncation of two cavity modes by means of a pumped nonlinear coupler. We analyze Kerr-like nonlinear couplers that can be modelled by systems composed of two quantum nonlinear oscillators linearly coupled to each other and these oscillators are excited by the external fields, which are assumed to be decomposed into two parts: a coherent part and white noise. We consider scheme based on the coupler with an external excitation of the coupler with two modes pumped. We demonstrate that the states generated in the excited nonlinear couplers under appropriate conditions can be limited to a superposition of only single-photon and vacuum states. We compare the possibilities of generation of Bell states by the couplers excited in two modes when chaotic parameter is present and absent. 2. COUPLER PUMPED IN TWO MODES This section is devoted to the general scheme of Kerr-like nonlinear coupler, which includes two nonlinear oscillators linearly coupled to each other and linearly coupled to external excitations. We suppose here that both modes of the coupler are excited by Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 48A, 5 - 2017 123 external classical fields, whereas for the case considered previously we supposed that only one of the modes was coupled to the external classical field [12]. The Hamiltonian describing such system is of the form 2 2 2 2 * * *ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 2 2 a b a bH a a b b a a b b a b ab a a b b , (1) where ˆaˆ b and ˆaˆ b are boson annihilation and creation operators, respectively; the parameters a and b are constants of the nonlinearity of the oscillators a and b , respectively; is the strength of the oscillator-oscillator coupling; and are the strength of the external excitation of the oscillators a and b, respectively. We assume that amplitude of the external classical field includes two parts: a deterministic coherent part and a randomly fluctuating chaotic part (white noise) and shall restrict ourselves to the case of real . In addition, we also presume that for the time 0 t , two oscillators are in vacuum states, so we can write the wave function of our model as babababa tctctctct 11)(10)(01)(00)()( 11011000 )00( . (2) Hence, we obtain the solutions of stochastic averages equations of the variables for the probability amplitudes mnc t m, n 0,1 as (we shall focus here only on physical aspects of the problem because the volume of this paper is limited, whereas the mathematical details of this procedure will be discussed elsewhere [15]): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 7 2 0 0 0 01 1 2 24 4 00 1 2 3 2 7 2 0 00 1 24 4 01 1 2 2 3 21 1 ( ) sin os sin os , 2 4 4 2 4 4 4 ( ) sin sin 4 4 i a t i a t i a t i a t i a i at t t t c t e c e c aa t t c t i e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 7 2 0 00 1 24 4 10 1 2 3 2 7 2 0 0 0 01 1 2 24 4 11 1 2 , 4 ( ) sin sin , 4 4 2 3 21 1 ( ) sin os sin os 2 4 4 2 4 4 i a t i a t i a t i a t aa t t c t i e e i a i at t t t c t e c e c . (3) Where: 0 is a coherent component of the external classical field, 0a is chaotic parameter, 2 2 1 0 0 0 05 4 4 ,a a and 2 2 2 0 0 0 013 44 68a a . We are going to express the derived wave function in the Bell basis 44332211 BbBbBbBb , (4) Where: iB , 4,3,2,1 i are Bell-like states, which can be expressed as functions of the n -photon states discussed here: 1 2 3 4 11 00 00 11 01 10 10 01 , , , 2 2 2 2 i i i i B B B B , (5) Physics N.T.H. Sang, L.T.T. Oanh,, “Generation of maximally entangled states” 124 these states are maximally entangled states. The entanglement degree of the system is defined as in [16]: )1(log).1(log.)( 22 pppptE , (6) in which 2 11 2C p and )()()()(2 10011100 tctctctcC . These results show that in the absence of chaotic component, our result becomes exactly the same as that obtained by Miranowicz et al. [13]. The entanglement degree of states (2) is shown in figure 1. For the case 0 0a , entanglement degree of states (2) varies over period of time. The maximum values of them gradually reduce after each period 2 /T . The entanglement can maximally achieve at the time of ( ) 1 / 2t n n T . At the time of (1) 1 / 2t T , the entanglement can maximally achieve 0.995 ebits. When the chaotic component is present, entanglement degree of states (2) also varies over period of time but the maximum values of them gradually increase and the entanglement can also maximally achieves 0.995 ebits but the maximum position change in comparison to the case when 0 0a . When we express the states (2) in the basis of the Bell states, the probabilities of finding the system in these states are shown in figure 2. We can see that when 0 0a , the probabilities to the system exists in Bell states B1 and B2 vary with time corresponds to the modulation of the oscillations with frequencies greater according to the oscillations with frequencies smaller. Maximum entanglement of the states B1 achieves 0.992 ebits and B2 achieves 0.997 ebits. When 0 0a , the probabilities to the system exists in Bell states B1 and B2 also vary with time but the maximum position of them change and maximum entanglement of these states decrease in comparison to the case when the chaotic component is absent. On the other hand, when 0 0a , the probabilities to the system exists in Bell states B3 and B4 are equal. However, the maximum values of these states are only about 0.235 ebits. Especially when 0 0a , the probabilities to system exists in the Bell states B3 and B4 are different on the maximum position and have much larger value than when 0 0a . Figure 1. Entanglements degree of the generated states by the coupler pumped in two modes with 5 0 5 10 rad/s. Solid line: 0 0a . Dotted line: 4 0 5 10a rad/s. Dashed-dotted line: 5 0 5 10a rad/s. The time unit is 1 / . Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 48A, 5 - 2017 125 Figure 2. Probabilities 2ib to the system exist in the Bell states with 5 0 5 10 rad/s. Solid line: 0 0a . Dotted line: 4 0 5 10a rad/s. Dashed-dotted line: 5 0 5 10a rad/s. The time unit is 1 / . 3. CONCLUSION In this paper, we discussed the model of Kerr-like nonlinear coupler comprising two nonlinear oscillators linearly coupled to each other. These two nonlinear oscillators are coupled to external classical fields, which are modelled by chaotic processes. Furthermore, we studied the dependence of maximally entangled states on noise parameter and compared maximally entangled states when chaotic parameter is present and absent. We found that in the presence of chaotic part, the location and the magnitude of the maximum change, especially maximally entangled of Bell states B3 and B4 increase in comparison to the case when chaotic component is absent. Consequently, the parameter 0a related to the chaotic component is an important parameter that controls the maxima entanglement of Bell states. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 103.03-2017.28 REFERENCES [1]. M. A. Nielsen, and I. L. Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information,” Cambridge University Press (2000). Physics N.T.H. Sang, L.T.T. Oanh,, “Generation of maximally entangled states” 126 [2]. D. T. Pegg, L. S. Phillips, and S. M. Barnett, “Optical State Truncation by Projection Synthesis,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 81, pp. 1604-1606, (1998). [3]. M. Koniorczyk, Z. Kurucz, A. Gabris, and J. Janszky, “General optical state truncation and its teleportation,” Physical Review A, Vol. 62, pp. 1-8, (2000). [4]. M. G. A. Paris, “Optical qubit by conditional interferometry,” Physical Review A, Vol. 62, pp. 1-8, (2000). [5]. S. K. Ozdemir, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. 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Phân tích sự tiến triển theo thời gian của sự đan rối lượng tử chỉ ra rằng các trạng thái đan rối cực đại có Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 48A, 5 - 2017 127 thể được tạo ra và so sánh những kết quả này với những kết quả tìm được trong các tài liệu trước đó. Từ khóa: Bộ nối phi tuyến Kerr, Sự đan rối lượng tử, Các trạng thái Bell, Nhiễu trắng. Received date, 1st March, 2016 Revised manuscript, 10th April 2017 Published on 26th April 2017 Author affiliations: 1 Vinh University, 182 Le Duan, Vinh, Viet Nam; 2 Nghe An College of Education, Nghe An, Viet Nam; 3 Department of Metrology, Ministry of Defense, Hanoi, Viet Nam; 4 Hong Duc University, 565 Quang Trung, Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam; 5 Quang Tri Teacher Training College, Quang Tri, Viet Nam; Corresponding author:
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