Constructing the digital signature scheme based on the discrete logarithmic problem
Bài viết này giới thiệu lược đồ chữ ký số DSA. Dựa trên lược đồ chữ ký số
DSA, chúng tôi phát triển một lược đồ chữ ký số mới trên vành Zn có độ phức
tạp tính toán tương đương với lược đồ chữ ký số DSA, khắc phục được một số
nhược điểm của lược đồ chữ ký số DSA và có thể ứng dụng trên thực tế.
Từ khóa: Lược đồ chữ ký số, Hàm băm
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Constructing the digital signature scheme based on the discrete logarithmic problem
Information technology & Applied mathematics L. V. Tuan, B. T. Truyen, L. D. Tan, “Constructing the digital ... logarithmic problem.” 44 CONSTRUCTING THE DIGITAL SIGNATURE SCHEME BASED ON THE DISCRETE LOGARITHMIC PROBLEM Le Van Tuan1,*, Bui The Truyen2, Leu Duc Tan3 Abstract: In this report, the DSA digital signature scheme has been introduced. Based on these digital signature scheme, a new digital signature scheme on the ring of Zn is developed. Its computing complexity is similar to the DSA and getting rid of some unwanted disadvantages of the DSA digital signature scheme and can be applied in practice. Keywords: Digital Signature Scheme, Discrete logarithmic problem, Hash Function. 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the digital signature plays an important role for authentication, integrity, information security. Therefore, it has been being applied in many organizations and countries over the world, such as the DSA digital signature scheme of US [7], the GOST digital signature scheme of Russia, or Okamoto’s key distribute system based on the identification information [8]... However, these schemes’ standards of parameters are often published and they are applied for commercial purpose, if they are used in defense security area, the information highly runs the risk of being unsafe. So, developing the digital signature schemes is a researching trend of many countries and the code scientists in the world. [1], [2], [8]. In this study, we have studied and developed the digital signature scheme based on the ring of Zn safe based on the complication of discrete logarithmic problem on ring Zn. This new digital signature scheme can be applied in practice. 2. THE DEFINITION OF FUNCTIONS Definition 2.1. The Number function converts a binary string into an integer that does not exceed T bits, notated Number: ℕ {0, 1}H ℤ. Definition 2.2. Random function: The random function is a function that randomly takes an integer in [a, b], a random number (a, b). Definition 2.3. The bitlength (m) function returns the size of m as how many bits Definition 2.4. A||B is a connection between the string A with the string B. 3. DSA DIGITAL SIGNATURE SCHEME 3.1. DSA parameters p is a prime, its length is bit, bitlength(p)= L. q is a divisor prime of p 1, bitlength(q)= N. g is a primitive element of subgroup q on Zp, 0< g < p x is the private key that must be kept in secret; x is randomly chosen or pseudorandomly in [1, q–1]. y is the public key, where y = gx mod p. Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 51A, 11 - 2017 45 k is a secret number for each message (another name is session key); k is randomly chosen or pseudorandomly in [1, q–1]. Set of (p, q, g, x) is also called private key and set of (p, q, g, y) is a public key of signer. 3.2. Signature generation algorithm Algorithm 3.1[7][10]: Input: (p, q, g, x), k, M. Output: (r,s). 1. z Number(N, Hash(M)). 2. k Random(1, q). 3. r (gk mod p) mod q. 4. w (z + x.r) mod q. 5. if (r = 0) or (w = 0), then go to 2. 6. s (k 1.(z + x.r)) mod q. 7. return (r, s). 3.3. Signature verification algorithm Algorithm 3.2 [7], [10] Input: (p, q, g, y), (r,s), M. Output: "accept" or "reject". 1. w s 1 mod q. 2. z Number(N, Hash(M)). 3. u1 (z.w) mod q. 4. u2 (r.w) mod q. 5. v ((gu1.yu2) mod p) mod q. 6. if (v = r) then return "accept" Else return "reject". 3.4. Computing complexity The computing complexity of the algorithm 3.1 is focused on method gk mod p. According to [6, p176], if bitlength (p) = L, bitlength (q) = N, the computing complexity of gk mod p ≈ O(logk.L2). If ML is a computing complexity for a multiplication on the field Zp with bitlength (p)= L and MN the computing complexity for a multiplication on the field Zq with bitlength (p)= N. If bitlength(k) ≈ N, the charge of the algorithm 3.1 is estimated as below: CG N.(ML + MN) (3.1) The computing complexity of algorithm 3.2 is centered on the statement of step 5 with two powers ((gu1.yu2) mod p) mod q. If bitlength (u1) ≈ N bitlength (u2) ≈ N, total charge for algorithm 3.2 is estimated as below: Cv 2N(ML + MN) (3.2) 3.5. The security of DSA digital signature scheme Information technology & Applied mathematics L. V. Tuan, B. T. Truyen, L. D. Tan, “Constructing the digital ... logarithmic problem.” 46 The security of DSA digital signature scheme is displayed on the difficulty that generates the valid signature not for the owner of parameter x or that called “forging signature”. Indicatively, signature forging is generated when a discrete logarithm problem is solved on Zp or Hash function is collided, so FIPS_186-4 standard [7] proposed the size of bit of the L and N parameter that would allow the DSA to be safe until 2030 as follows: (L, N) = (2048, 224), (L, N) = (2048, 256) and (L, N) = (3072, 256). However, when the primitive element g is published, that makes the DSA digital signature scheme unsafe in some of the situations as following: The first situation: While signing the message M, if the session key is revealed, the secret key x is calculated by the following formula: s = (k 1(z + r.x)) mod q The secret key x is computed easily using the following formula: x = ((s.k z).r 1) mod q This situation is illustrated as follows: The message m is considered, which is transformed by the Hash function SHA-512 and the output is M as follows: M=97975747105107409187956387180507750847513881963918549765479 880765663033851160001447900781761796849869035947103240517957798729 04918107245447649435608188242 The value of the prime number p is: p=11242439595922330094500086844804966357759313431812385371494 511369847330693855087879539343469849551078435848382192561802575175 142455951043851140468418943323 The value of prime q is as follows: q=1533291864970491990937935102336166269334618134678016648433 The value of the primitive element g is: g=10078664070544453678464709258084804131491365192204951024927 548083774068483673108796539309434316671809670409438483987936673806 832475458540206862060143901544 The secret key x is: x=74679656459306509739026621399 The public key is calculated by the formula y = gx mod p, the value y is: y=25356434363194005296219381386234511997842772125732011576745 964039509236125101457653326120201899969767766769245813695835554616 78797023907419768950517837742 Session key k=36914925716335327919902465072. The signature (r, s) is calculated as follows: r=182506323373540150306991765601851814823939026112244878180 s=1364155657594448977789831809839374109626537375756543450808 If the session key k is revealed, the secret key x is calculated as follows: x=((s.k z).r 1) mod q. The value z = Number(N, Hash(M)). Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 51A, 11 - 2017 47 While z=1718579994752701761185453037319519709545839390727609025874 s.k=5035770476561765474814810107577845641249213573792850649717 0831890443345548356570178176 (s.k-z) mod q = 524050766533797319315236385558804362401516138504649902691 r 1 mod q= 997958988071514117853806215293691244299223701750102569501 x =74679656459306509739026621399. The second situation: two different messages are signed with the same session key k (using the same key). If the session key of the message M and M is k and the two signatures corresponding to M and M' are respectively (r, s) and (r, s'). The secret key x will be found by the attacker as follows: The first z and z’values are calculated from the formula z = Number (N, Hash (M)) và z' = Number (N, Hash (M')), then s and s' are calculated as follows: s= (k 1(z + r.x)) mod q k= s-1(z+r.x) mod q (*) s'= (k 1(z' + r.x)) mod q k= s’-1(z’+r.x) mod q (**) From (*) and (**) the equation is as following: s-1 (z+r.x)= s’-1 (z’+r.x) mod q s-1z- s’-1z’= (s’-1 s-1).r.x mod q, from this equation it is easy to calculate the secret key x as follows: x= r-1(s-1.z-s’ 1z’) (s’-1 s-1)-1 mod q. This situation is illustrated as follows: when the message is m, which is transformed by the Hash function SHA-512 and the output is M as follows: M=97975747105107409187956387180507750847513881963918549765479 880765663033851160001447900781761796849869035947103240517957798729 04918107245447649435608188242 z=1718579994752701761185453037319519709545839390727609025874 p=11242439595922330094500086844804966357759313431812385371494 511369847330693855087879539343469849551078435848382192561802575175 142455951043851140468418943323 q=1533291864970491990937935102336166269334618134678016648433 g=10078664070544453678464709258084804131491365192204951024927 548083774068483673108796539309434316671809670409438483987936673806 832475458540206862060143901544 x=74679656459306509739026621399 y=25356434363194005296219381386234511997842772125732011576745 964039509236125101457653326120201899969767766769245813695835554616 78797023907419768950517837742 k= 36914925716335327919902465072 r= 182506323373540150306991765601851814823939026112244878180 Information technology & Applied mathematics L. V. Tuan, B. T. Truyen, L. D. Tan, “Constructing the digital ... logarithmic problem.” 48 s= 1364155657594448977789831809839374109626537375756543450808 When the message is m’, which is transformed by the Hash function SHA- 512, its output is M’ as follows: M’=1555457977903788052707047276246170107839826966119437765908 551907661193845442947767748147758127032282855927340310116634922731 918069707272168480196212609551 Z' is calculated by the formula as follow: z' = Number (N, Hash (M')) z’= 2686783626449795392261088445951789906711383394607353090575 p=11242439595922330094500086844804966357759313431812385371494 511369847330693855087879539343469849551078435848382192561802575175 142455951043851140468418943323 q=1533291864970491990937935102336166269334618134678016648433 g=10078664070544453678464709258084804131491365192204951024927 548083774068483673108796539309434316671809670409438483987936673806 832475458540206862060143901544 x=74679656459306509739026621399 y=25356434363194005296219381386234511997842772125732011576745 964039509236125101457653326120201899969767766769245813695835554616 78797023907419768950517837742 k=36914925716335327919902465072 r=r’=182506323373540150306991765601851814823939026112244878180 s’= 419930701966257575864048550021807565165401949643752549481 In this situation, the secret key x is calculated by the formula as follow: x= r-1(s-1.z-s’ 1z’) (s’-1 s-1)-1 mod q. Where: s’ 1mod q=1104369623657571975932291813648449955114049489078722571641 s’ 1z’mod q=606082038342155792558174208526507093346465357060780120714 s-1 mod q =1451278297840009702777459600785951165698531270580902059174 s-1.z mod q= 1313713634264547240570981004522210825585496954765626822777 (s-1.z-s’ 1z’) mod q= 707631595922391448012806795995703732239031597704846702063 r 1 mod q= 997958988071514117853806215293691244299223701750102569501 r-1(s-1.z-s’ 1z’) mod q, where q=12536132561166344302362245931756388805698010284 7137437 0307 Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 51A, 11 - 2017 49 (s’-1 s-1) mod q= 1186383190788054264092767315198665058750136353175837160900 (s’-1 s-1)-1 mod q= 1004917863501878505091781121120933399705847132586335489436 The secret x can be easily calculated as follows: x=74679656459306509739026621399. It’s noted that if a session key is used for both signatures, both signatures of the component r will be the equal value, but if the both signatures of value r are of the equal value, the session key for both signatures may not be of the equal value. 4. CONSTRUCTION THE NEW SIGNATURE SCHEME 4.1. Parameters domain n = p.q with p, q are primes and n-factorization is a difficult problem; m is private, m = p1.q1 where p1, q1 are primes and p1 | (p 1), q1 | (q 1), p1 ∤ (q 1), q1 ∤ (p 1); mbit= bitlength (m). g is a primitive element, 0 is cyclic subgroup on Zn. x is chosen randomly in (1, m 1) and x is private. y is public, where y = gx mod n. k is chosen randomly in (1, m 1), k is the unique private number for each message (also known as session key) the set of five values (n, m, g, x, m) are the secret key and set of four values (n, g, y, mbit) are the public key. 4.2. Generation signature Algorithm 4.1. Input: (n, m, g, x, mbit), M.//mbit= bitlength (m) Output: (r,s). 1. z0; tg0; 2. While (z=0) or ((tg,m) 1) 3. k Random(1,m-1) 4. r gk mod n. 5. z number (mbit,H(M||r))// The output is the value z, its size is not more than mbit 6. tg(z + x) mod m End while // The loop stops when z + x exists the inverse value 7. s (k.(z + x) 1) mod m) 8. return (r, s). 4.3. Verifying signature Algorithm 4.2. Information technology & Applied mathematics L. V. Tuan, B. T. Truyen, L. D. Tan, “Constructing the digital ... logarithmic problem.” 50 Input: M, (r, s), (n, g, y, mbit)// mbit= bitlength (m). Output: "True" hoặc "False". 1. z number(mbit,H(M||r))// value of z < a mbit number. 2. u (gs.z.ys) mod n. 3. if (u = r) return "True" else return "False". 4.4. Correctness of the algorithm It's easy to see that: (gs.z.ys) mod n= mxzkmzxzk yg mod)(mod)( 11 mod n = mxzkxmzxzk gg mod)(.mod)( 11 mod n = mxzxzkg mod))(( 1 mod n = gk mod n= r and the correctness of the digital signature scheme is proven. 4.5. Example Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2 are illustrated by the following example: Parameter generation: If the set of parameters of the new digital signature scheme are as following: The value of the prime number p is: 11242439595922330094500086844804966357759313431812385371494511 369847330693855087879539343469849551078435848382192561802575175142 455951043851140468418943323 p1 is a prime divisor of p-1 and its value is as follows: 1533291864970491990937935102336166269334618134678016648433 The value of prime q is: 13000056097250407151278816580424694762126189598035228608160655 285286101077083814637602139866821888168231129087200207881652034129 346833758707500099753756233 q1 is a prime divisor of q-1 and its value is as follows: 693542050471501789153827056172377247128936626662022537753 n = p.q and its value is as follows: 14615234541693949095609152061384787442361691672134939078054914 055679365597736560216223659339938656710844125398866980864339936146 676123711815535232083000016596755394644166264672320085434477785326 142760988239038546633490482735589595127349439001902078113883338170 6728100718302316964348020060060727207161984982259 The value of the primitive element g is as follows: 13842455697058353097307630854947301896596179241034192521246818 029097994496972611578658769231921323332422390782921780701310024839 006077658293470388919994031736897350400418010831205276117348900655 500094697320878687677035834861273949911065633867432044330673823599 1077062669737065186351843811074484096101625162002 Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 51A, 11 - 2017 51 m = p1.q1 and is the order of g. The value of m is as follow: 10634023840029080625322721134200576728589515343869740251998541 32745719623145728624346706867226494922194398270791049 The value of the private key x is as follows: 38980919841877720028126597041593821048381262206683380473759156 9778957938885573951169495 y= gx mod n and is the public key. Its value is as follows: 18081314126463681707208105600531354803219444942937364226766655 862136409936345298373098164575398685336030305202707520919329530142 743066526126436645106579246757152798713274411382431562410098563222 366335577278553026548503978941730278481202144166631848019867446163 313952951531181009401297673693032623866599834593 Note: The prime numbers are used in this example that will be generated by the algorithm in [3] [5]. With the set of the parameter above, the result of signature generation and signature verification is as follows: Signature generation (algorithm 4.1) Input: Message M Output: (r, s) is signature of M Step 1: If the size of the message T is 13.87 Mb. Hash function used in example is SHA-512, denoted H and M = H (T). M is represented by the Hex number as follows: BB118C3045EB6214275894575B6CD7036504379792BAB744E3B6EB6F DF4213D0921E67819974A7654616CFF6214A056398C026848CD131C757907D 280EE88552. The decimal value of M is as follow: 97975747105107409187956387180507750847513881963918549765479880 765663033851160001447900781761796849869035947103240517957798729049 18107245447649435608188242 Step 2: Number k is randomly selected in (1, m-1), the result is as follows: k= 65559053911122334369117687706 Step 3: The value of r is calculated by the formula below: r gk mod n, the result is as follows: r=700075376919223825896662238446486887192303123740882929410199 049353139983819732156200176461364426777339235615578940280578869971 077324767508786541362979546740656434723749239588803228906749181225 476240293095750593205272535388486577819602972736032978332611470815 35121991155908427229286352961144505949844357743176 Step 4: z= number (N, M||r), the result is follows: z=155478582251494173649984772551104614294175933861221891771125 74402314481921039872402872063159318107139103701961573714 Information technology & Applied mathematics L. V. Tuan, B. T. Truyen, L. D. Tan, “Constructing the digital ... logarithmic problem.” 52 Step 5: s is calculated by formula as follow: s= (k.(z + x) 1) mod m. If s does not exist (because there is no inverse of (z + x)) then goes to step 2), value of s is: s=577507141296403366601531541536948842155948696090904353917855 626403078896511057634111000995527913016381540600291993 The result of signature verification (Algorithm 4.2): Input: Pair of (r, s) is computed in algorithm 4.1 M=97975747105107409187956387180507750847513881963918549765479 880765663033851160001447900781761796849869035947103240517957798729 04918107245447649435608188242 Step 1: computed z= number (mbit, M||r), the result is follows: Z=15547858225149417364998477255110461429417593386122189177112 574402314481921039872402872063159318107139103701961573714 Step 2: u is computed by formula as follow: u (gt.ys) mod n, where t=(s.z) mod m. Value of t is as follow: t=520438263576991435816449931563023825609689069787196582958685 56660326006851318852877557879289120311977248897224820. Then value of gt mod n is: 13844681836188787050490416867068509771590285902016616400783650 957734311355486486435527647703334553405840029394487960028532497459 814389197572124605811554459426661757447249592896271588855957968225 033434748506994886694757244516753159045582211664278264328337982381 9411858385451221424397855113087868438435419833685. With value of s is: s=577507141296403366601531541536948842155948696090904353917855 626403078896511057634111000995527913016381540600291993. The value of ys mod n is as follow: 12816170749087009435477966847753686635354362533420059134229242 260063485426448713694511362952689978278402176620915385550216450289 169708686105622979392488244289452879294305003689544189051410160007 820070589877996495733249044611900436776739808890379714645276294533 6041348138585462065519811954121693711426715412552 Then value of u with u (gt.ys) mod n as follow: u=70007537691922382589666223844648688719230312374088292941019 904935313998381973215620017646136442677733923561557894028057886997 107732476750878654136297954674065643472374923958880322890674918122 547624029309575059320527253538848657781960297273603297833261147081 535121991155908427229286352961144505949844357743176 Step 3: Check both values: u and r show that u = r, so the pair of (r, s) is the signature of the message M. 4.6. Computing complexity Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 51A, 11 - 2017 53 There is at least one loop in the algorithm 4.1. The computing complexity for each of these loops is the total of the computing complexity of gk mod n and the computing complexity of (x + z)-1 mod m. According to [6], the computing complexity of gk mod n is approximately O (logk.L2), where L= bitlength (n). Because of (x+z) 1 mod m = mod m, where (m) = (p1 1) (q1 1), so the computing complexity of (x + z)-1 mod m is approximately O(log φ(m).N2), in which N = bitlength (m). If ML denotes for the computing complexity of a multiplication on ring Zn, where bitlength (n) = L and MN denote for the computing complexity of a multiplication on Zm, where bitlength (m) = N, then the computing complexity for each of these loops is as follow: N(ML + MN) The loop will exit if gcd (z + x, m) = 1 or (z + x) must be have an inverse in Zm. Probability (z + x) exists its inverse element is as follow: Prob (gcd(z + x, m) = 1)= m φ(m) = m qp )11)(11( If the m is a large enough number, then Prob (gcd (z + x, m) = 1) 1, so the computing complexity of the signature generation algorithm denoted by CG is as follows: CG NML + NMN (4.1) The complexity of algorithm 4.2 is mainly focused on the complexity of exponentiation gs.z.ys mod n, so gs.z.ys mod n= mod n. If ML denotes for the computing complexity of a multiplication on ring Zn, where bitlength (n) = L and MN denotes for the computing complexity of a multiplication on Zm, where bitlength (m) = N, then the computing complexity of algorithm 4.2 is as follow: Cv 2NML. (4.2) 4.7. Some comparisons of the new digital signature scheme and the DSA Comparison about the security: Scheme the new digital signature scheme is similar to scheme DSA, so the analysis of abilities to forge signatures can be displayed similarly to DSA. However, there is a basic difference between the DSA digital signature scheme and the new digital signature scheme as follow: the order of g is published on the DSA digital signature scheme, but on the new digital signature scheme, the order of g is not published. From this difference, when the new digital signature scheme is displayed there’s no revealing or coinciding session key as using DSA. Moreover, when key session of the new digital signature scheme is revealed, it’s difficult to forge the signatures. Charge of computing: Basing on formula 3.1 and formula 4.1, the charge of computing of DSA signature generation algorithm is similar to the new digital signature scheme. Similarly, the computing charge of signature verification algorithm on the new digital signature scheme is similar to the DSA scheme (based on formula 3.2 and 4.2). Information technology & Applied mathematics L. V. Tuan, B. T. Truyen, L. D. Tan, “Constructing the digital ... logarithmic problem.” 54 5. EXPERIMENT In this experiment, the length of keys on the scheme the new digital signature scheme and the DSA scheme gradually is 1024, 1280, 1536, 1792, 2048 (bits). The message’s size of the testing is 18.87 MB. The time of experiment for each set of parameter is 1000 times. The Hash function SHA 512 used in signing and confirms algorithm of DSA digital signing scheme and the new digital signature scheme digital signing scheme. The test program is written by C ++ programming language, compiled by QT Creater and installed on Laptop in which its processor is a Core2 Duo 2.2 GHz and its memory is 2GB. The experimental parameter of the DSA signature scheme and the new digital signature scheme are generated by the algorithm [5], results are listed in the following table: Table 1. Consulting table of signing generation and verification. Key size(bit) Generation time Verification time DSA New DSA New 1024 1.416 1.539 6.836 5.527 1280 1.814 1.953 10.765 8.931 1536 2.89 3.182 14.813 13.3 1792 3.5 4.916 19.18 17.13 2048 5.138 5.929 22.59 26.398 In order to compare the signing speed between the DSA scheme and the new signing scheme. The test results in table 1 is illustrated by the following graph. Figure 1. The signature generation graph of the DSA and the new digital signature scheme. Similarly, based on Table 1, the relationship between the wasting time and key size to verify the digital signature scheme DSA and the new digital signature scheme is depicted by graph as follow: Research Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No. 51A, 11 - 2017 55 Figure 2. The signature verification graph of the DSA scheme and the new digital signature scheme. Figure 1 and Figure 2 shows that the computing complexity of the signature generation algorithm and the signature verification algorithm of the the new digital signature scheme and the DSA digital signature scheme is equivalent. The graphs (Figure 1 and Figure 2) show that the results of the test and the results of the mathematical analysis shown in formula (3.1), (3.2), (4.1) and (4.2) is similar. 6. CONCLUSIONS The authors' research results are a new digital signature scheme, in which its security is based on discrete logarithm problem in the ring of Zn. This new digital signature scheme has overcome some of the defect of the DSA the digital signature scheme (shown in 3.5). Based on the mathematical theoretical analysis and the test results, the computing complexity of the new digital signature scheme and the computing complexity of the DSA digital signature scheme are equivalent. 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Received date, 13th Sep., 2017 Revised manuscript, 10th Oct., 2017 Published, 1st Nov., 2017 Author affiliations: 1 Academy of Military Science ; 2 Military Technical Academy; 3 Academy of Cryptography Technique. * Corresponding author:
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