Bài giảng Tối ưu hóa nâng cao - Bài 10: Newton’s Method - Hoàng Nam Dũng
Backtracking line search
So far what we’ve seen is called pure Newton’s method. This need
not converge. In practice, we use damped Newton’s method (i.e.,
Newton’s method), which repeats
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài giảng Tối ưu hóa nâng cao - Bài 10: Newton’s Method - Hoàng Nam Dũng

Newton’s Method Hoàng Nam Dũng Khoa Toán - Cơ - Tin học, Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Newton-Raphson method scribes/lec9.pdf Newton’sMethodProof.html newton-type-methods.pdf Annimation: Animations/RootFinding/NewtonMethod/NewtonMethod.html 1 Newton’s method Given unconstrained, smooth convex optimization min x f (x), where f is convex, twice differentable, and dom(f ) = Rn. Recall that gradient descent chooses initial x (0) ∈ Rn, and repeats x (k) = x (k−1) − tk · ∇f (x (k−1)), k = 1, 2, 3, . . . In comparison, Newton’s method repeats x (k) = x (k−1) − ( ∇2f (x (k−1)) )−1∇f (x (k−1)), k = 1, 2, 3, . . . Here ∇2f (x (k−1)) is the Hessian matrix of f at x (k−1). 2 Newton’s method interpretation Recall the motivation for gradient descent step at x : we minimize the quadratic approximation f (y) ≈ f (x) +∇f (x)T (y − x) + 1 2t ‖y − x‖22, over y , and this yields the update x+ = x − t∇f (x). Newton’s method uses in a sense a better quadratic approximation f (y) ≈ f (x) +∇f (x)T (y − x) + 1 2 (y − x)T∇2f (x)(y − x), and minimizes over y to yield x+ = x − (∇2f (x))−1∇f (x). 3 Newton’s method Consider minimizing f (x) = (10x21 + x 2 2 )/2+ 5 log(1+ e −x1−x2) We compare gradient de- scent (black) to Newton’s method (blue), where both take steps of roughly same length Consider minimizing f(x) = (10x21 + x 2 2)/2 + 5 log(1 + e −x1−x2) (this must be a nonquadratic ... why?) We compare gradient de- scent (black) to Newton’s method (blue), where both take steps of roughly same length −20 −10 0 10 20 − 20 − 10 0 10 20 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l l lll 5 4 Linearized optimality condition Aternative interpretation of Newton step at x : we seek a direction v so that ∇f (x + v) = 0. Let F (x) = ∇f (x). Consider linearizing F around x , via approximation F (y) ≈ F (x) + DF (x)(y − x), i.e., 0 = ∇f (x + v) ≈ ∇f (x) +∇2f (x)v . Solving for v yields v = −(∇2f (x))−1∇f (x). Linearized optimality condition Aternative interpretation of Newton step at x: we seek a direction v so that ∇f(x+ v) = 0. Let F (x) = ∇f(x). Consider linearizing F around x, via approximation F (y) ≈ F (x) +DF (x)(y − x), i.e., 0 = ∇f(x+ v) ≈ ∇f(x) +∇2f(x)v l i f r i l )) 1 (x) 486 9 Unconstrained minimization f ′ f̂ ′ (x, f ′(x)) (x+∆xnt, f ′(x+∆xnt)) Figure 9.18 The solid curve is the derivative f ′ of the function f shown in figure 9.16. f̂ ′ is the linear approximation of f ′ at x. The Newton step ∆xnt is the difference between the root of f̂ ′ and the point x. the zero-crossing of the derivative f ′, which is monotonically increasing since f is convex. Given our current approximation x of the solution, we form a first-order Taylor approximation of f ′ at x. The zero-crossing of this affine approximation is then x+∆xnt. This interpretation is illustrated in figure 9.18. Affine invariance of the Newton step An important feature of the Newton step is that it is independent of linear (or affine) changes of coordinates. Suppose T ∈ Rn×n is nonsingular, and define f¯(y) = f(Ty). Then we have ∇f¯(y) = TT∇f(x), ∇2f¯(y) = TT∇2f(x)T, where x = Ty. The Newton step for f¯ at y is therefore ∆ynt = − ( TT∇2f(x)T )−1 (TT∇f(x)) = −T−1∇2f(x)−1∇f(x) = T−1∆xnt, where ∆xnt is the Newton step for f at x. Hence the Newton steps of f and f¯ are related by the same linear transformation, and x+∆xnt = T (y +∆ynt). The Newton decrement The quantity λ(x) = (∇f(x)T∇2f(x)−1∇f(x))1/2 is called the Newton decrement at x. We will see that the Newton decrement plays an important role in the analysis of Newton’s method, and is also useful (From B & V page 486) History: work of Newton (1685) and Raphson (1690) originally fo- cused on finding roots of poly- nomials. Simpson (1740) ap- plied this idea to general nonlin- ear equations, and minimization by setting the gradient to zero 7 From B & V page 486 History: work of Newton (1685) and Raphson (1690) originally focused on finding roots of polynomials. Simpson (1740) applied this idea to general nonlinear equations, and minimization by setting the gradient to zero. 5 Affine invariance of Newton’s method Important property Newton’s method: affine invariance. Given f , nonsingular A ∈ Rn×n. Let x = Ay , and g(y) = f (Ay). Newton steps on g are y+ = y − (∇2g(y))−1∇g(y) = y − (AT∇2f (Ay)A)−1AT∇f (Ay) = y − A−1(∇2f (Ay))−1∇f (Ay) Hence Ay+ = Ay − (∇2f (Ay))−1∇f (Ay), i.e., x+ = x − (∇2f (x))−1f (x). So progress is independent of problem scaling; recall that this is not true of gradient descent. 6 Newton decrement At a point x , we define the Newton decrement as λ(x) = ( ∇f (x)T (∇2f (x))−1∇f (x) )1/2 . This relates to the difference between f (x) and the minimum of its quadratic approximation: f (x)−min y ( f (x) +∇f (x)T (y − x) + 1 2 (y − x)T∇2f (x)(y − x) ) = f (x)− ( f (x)− 1 2 ∇f (x)T (∇2f (x))−1∇f (x) ) = 1 2 λ(x)2. Therefore can think of λ2(x)/2 as an approximate upper bound on the suboptimality gap f (x)− f ∗. 7 Newton decrement Another interpretation of Newton decrement: if Newton direction is v = −(∇2f (x))−1∇f (x), then λ(x) = (vT∇2f (x)v)1/2 = ‖v‖∇2f (x), i.e., λ(x) is the length of the Newton step in the norm defined by the Hessian ∇2f (x). Note that the Newton decrement, like the Newton steps, are affine invariant; i.e., if we defined g(y) = f (Ay) for nonsingular A, then λg (y) would match λf (x) at x = Ay . 8 Backtracking line search So far what we’ve seen is called pure Newton’s method. This need not converge. In practice, we use damped Newton’s method (i.e., Newton’s method), which repeats x+ = x − t(∇2f (x))−1∇f (x). Note that the pure method uses t = 1. Step sizes here typically are chosen by backtracking search, with parameters 0 ≤ α ≤ 1/2, 0 < β < 1. At each iteration, we start with t = 1 and while f (x + tv) > f (x) + αt∇f (x)T v , we shrink t = βt, else we perform the Newton update. Note that here v = −(∇2f (x))−1∇f (x), so ∇f (x)T v = −λ2(x). 9 Example: logistic regression Logistic regression example, with n = 500, p = 100: we compare gradient descent and Newton’s method, both with backtracking Example: logistic regression Logistic regression example, with n = 500, p = 100: we compare gradient descent and Newton’s method, both with backtracking 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1e −1 3 1e −0 9 1e −0 5 1e −0 1 1e +0 3 k f− fs ta r Gradient descent Newton's method Newton’s method: in a totally different regime of convergence...! 12 Newton’s method: in a totall ifferent regime of converg nce...! 10 Convergence analysis Assume that f convex, twice differentiable, having dom(f ) = Rn, and additionally I ∇f is Lipschitz with parameter L. I f is strongly convex with parameter m. I ∇2f is Lipschitz with parameter M. Theorem Newton’s method with backtracking line search satisfies the following two-stage convergence bounds f (x (k))− f ∗ ≤ (f (x (0))− f ∗)− γk if k ≤ k02m3 M2 ( 1 2 )2k−k0+1 if k > k0. Here γ = αβ2η2m/L2, η = min{1, 3(1− 2α)}m2/M, and k0 is the number of steps until ‖∇f (x (k0+1))‖2 < η. 11 Convergence analysis In more detail, convergence analysis reveals γ > 0, 0 < η ≤ m2/M such that convergence follows two stages I Damped phase: ‖∇f (x (k))‖2 ≥ η, and f (x (k+1))− f (x (k)) ≤ −γ. I Pure phase: ‖∇f (x (k))‖ < η, backtracking selects t = 1, and M 2m2 ‖∇f (x (k+1))‖2 ≤ ( M 2m2 ‖∇f (x (k))‖2 )2 . Note that once we enter pure phase, we won’t leave, because 2m2 M ( M 2m2 η )2 ≤ η when η ≤ m2/M. 12 Convergence analysis Unraveling this result, what does it say? To get f (x (k))− f ∗ ≤ ε, we need at most f (x (0))− f ∗ γ + log log(ε0/ε, ) iterations, where ε0 = 2m 3/M2. I This is called quadratic convergence. Compare this to linear convergence (which, recall, is what gradient descent achieves under strong convexity). I The above result is a local convergence rate, i.e., we are only guaranteed quadratic convergence after some number of steps k0, where k0 ≤ f (x (0))−f ∗ γ . I Somewhat bothersome may be the fact that the above bound depends on L,m,M, and yet the algorithm itself does not ... 13 Self-concordance A scale-free analysis is possible for self-concordant functions: on R, a convex function f is called self-concordant if |f ′′′(x)| ≤ 2f ′′(x)3/2 for all x , and on Rn is called self-concordant if its projection onto every line segment is so. Theorem (Nesterov and Nemirovskii) Newton’s method with backtracking line search requires at most C (α, β)(f (x (0))− f ∗) + log log(1/ε), iterations to reach f (x (k))− f ∗, where C (α, β) is a constant that only depends on α, β. 14 Self-concordance What kind of functions are self-concordant? I f (x) = −∑ni=1 log(xi ) on Rn++. I f (X ) = − log(det(X )) on Sn++. I If g is self-concordant, then so is f (x) = g(Ax + b). I In the definition of self-concordance, we can replace factor of 2 by a general κ > 0. I If g is κ-self-concordant, then we can rescale: f (x) = κ4g(x) is self-concordant (2-self-concordant). 15 Comparison to first-order methods At a high-level: I Memory: each iteration of Newton’s method requires O(n2) storage (n × n Hessian); each gradient iteration requires O(n) storage (n-dimensional gradient). I Computation: each Newton iteration requires O(n3) flops (solving a dense n × n linear system); each gradient iteration requires O(n) flops (scaling/adding n-dimensional vectors). I Backtracking: backtracking line search has roughly the same cost, both use O(n) flops per inner backtracking step. I Conditioning: Newton’s method is not affected by a problem’s conditioning, but gradient descent can seriously degrade. I Fragility: Newton’s method may be empirically more sensitive to bugs/numerical errors, gradient descent is more robust. 16 Newton method vs. gradient descent Back to logistic regression example: now x-axis is parametrized in terms of time taken per iteration Back to logistic regression example: now x-axis is parametrized in ter s of ti e taken per iteration 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 1e −1 3 1e −0 9 1e −0 5 1e −0 1 1e +0 3 Time f− fs ta r Gradient descent Newton's method Each gradient descent step is O(p), but each Newton step is O(p3) 19 Each gradient descent step is O(p), but each Newton step is O(p3). 17 Sparse, structured problems When the inner linear systems (in Hessian) can be solved efficiently and reliably, Newton’s method can strive. E.g., if ∇2f (x) is sparse and structured for all x, say banded, then both memory and computation are O(n) with Newton iterations. What functions admit a structured Hessian? Two examples: I If g(β) = f (Xβ), then ∇2g(β) = XT∇2f (Xβ)X . Hence if X is a structured predictor matrix and ∇2f is diagonal, then ∇2g is structured. I If we seek to minimize f (β) + g(Dβ), where ∇2f is diagonal, g is not smooth, and D is a structured penalty matrix, then the Lagrange dual function is −f ∗(−DTu)− g∗(−u). Often −D∇2f ∗(−DTu)DT can be structured. 18 Quasi-Newton methods If the Hessian is too expensive (or singular), then a quasi-Newton method can be used to approximate ∇2f (x) with H 0, and we update according to x+ = x − tH−1∇f (x). I Approximate Hessian H is recomputed at each step. Goal is to make H−1 cheap to apply (possibly, cheap storage too). I Convergence is fast: superlinear, but not the same as Newton. Roughly n steps of quasi-Newton make same progress as one Newton step. I Very wide variety of quasi-Newton methods; common theme is to “propogate” computation of H across iterations. 19 Quasi-Newton methods Davidon-Fletcher-Powell or DFP: I Update H,H−1 via rank 2 updates from previous iterations; cost is O(n2) for these updates. I Since it is being stored, applying H−1 is simply O(n2) flops. I Can be motivated by Taylor series expansion. Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno or BFGS: I Came after DFP, but BFGS is now much more widely used. I Again, updates H,H−1 via rank 2 updates, but does so in a “dual” fashion to DFP; cost is still O(n2). I Also has a limited-memory version, L-BFGS: instead of letting updates propogate over all iterations, only keeps updates from last m iterations; storage is now O(mn) instead of O(n2). 20 References and further reading S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe (2004), Convex optimization, Chapters 9 and 10 Y. Nesterov (1998), Introductory lectures on convex optimization: a basic course, Chapter 2 Y. Nesterov and A. Nemirovskii (1994), Interior-point polynomial methods in convex programming, Chapter 2 J. Nocedal and S. Wright (2006), Numerical optimization, Chapters 6 and 7 L. Vandenberghe, Lecture notes for EE 236C, UCLA, Spring 2011-2012 21
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