A collaborative model between teachers-student teachers-lecturers during the mathematic pedagogical practicum in ho chi minh city university of education


Nhiều trường đại học sư phạm lớn của Việt Nam có lịch sử lâu đời tính từ các đại học tiền

thân theo mô hình đại học sư phạm kiểu Pháp (khoảng giữa thế kỉ XX). Trong mô hình này, việc

đào tạo giáo viên Toán đặt trọng tâm trên việc trang bị cho sinh viên các kiến thức toán lí thuyết.

Khoảng mười năm gần đây, dưới áp lực phải thay đổi của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, vấn đề đào tạo

nghiệp vụ ngày càng được chú ý hơn. Tỉ lệ các học phần liên quan đến Giáo dục và Giáo dục toán

học đã tăng thêm mặc dù vẫn nhỏ hơn so với tỉ lệ học phần về toán lí thuyết. Trong bối cảnh này,

Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đã tổ chức công tác: giảng viên dự giờ giáo

sinh trong kì thực tập sư phạm tại trường trung học phổ thông. Để phân tích công tác này, chúng

tôi mô hình hóa nó như một sự cộng tác của các bên liên quan và tiến hành phân tích dữ liệu ban

đầu thông qua một số báo cáo của giảng viên. Kết quả gợi ý cần cải tiến mức độ tham gia của

giảng viên trường sư phạm trong mô hình hợp tác này.

Từ khóa: hợp tác; giáo sinh; thực tập sư phạm; đào tạo giáo viên

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: A collaborative model between teachers-student teachers-lecturers during the mathematic pedagogical practicum in ho chi minh city university of education

A collaborative model between teachers-student teachers-lecturers during the mathematic pedagogical practicum in ho chi minh city university of education
Tập 17, Số 5 (2020): 755-765 
Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020): 755-765 
1859-3100 Website:  
Research Article* 
Le Thai Bao Thien Trung
, Tang Minh Dung 
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam
Corresponding author: Le Thai Bao Thien Trung – Email: trungltbt@hcmue.edu.vn 
Received: October 18, 2019; Revised: November 21, 2019; Accepted: May 25, 2020 
Many universities of education in Vietnam have a long history of development, following 
the French ENS model. In this model, the training of teachers in general, and Math teachers, in 
particular, focuses mainly on pure mathematical knowledge. During the past ten years, with the 
pressure of change from the Ministry of Education and Training, professional training has been 
receiving more and more attention. The proportion of subjects related to Education and Math 
Education has been increasing, although it is still small compared to the proportion of 
pure Mathematics modules. In this context, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education decided to 
observe student teachers' teaching practice during the practicum in high schools. In order 
to analyze this practice, a model has been developed, a collaboration model of various 
stakeholders. Data were then analyzed using supervisors’ reports. The results show that 
there is an improvement in the level of involvement of lecturers as supervisors in this 
collaborative model. 
Keywords: collaboration; student teachers; pedagogical practicum; teacher training 
1. Introduction 
Teacher training is one of the factors that determine the quality of education. It is a 
long-term process that requires much cooperation with many intertwined connections 
(Tran, 2012). It not only takes place on the campus of universities of education but also 
takes place outside the teaching universities, cooperating with various stakeholders. In this 
article, we will discuss the practicum period of student teachers in high schools where 
Cite this article as: Le Thai Bao Thien Trung, & Tang Minh Dung (2020). A collaborative model between 
teachers – student teachers – lecturers during the Mathematic pedagogical practicum in Ho Chi Minh City 
University of Education. Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Journal of Science, 17(5), 755-765 
HCMUE Journal of Science Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020): 755-765 
student teachers may encounter some kinds of conflicts. The conflicts and the complex 
system of high schools may have impacts on student teachers. For example, conflicts 
between pedagogical theories that students are trained at universities of education 
with practical teaching in schools; between new perspectives, teaching methods, and 
traditions. We will analyze whether student teachers were prepared for such conflicts (first 
question - Q1). 
In contrast to the challenges, the practicum, however, is also an opportunity for both 
universities of education and high schools. They can reflect on their professional activities. 
For the universities, they may ask questions whether their pedagogical training has met the 
social and market demands in the field of education. For the schools, this is an opportunity 
for them to learn from student teachers: updating their views, methods, tools, or solutions... 
In this paper, we attempt to find an answer for the question, “Is collaboration between high 
school teachers, student teachers, and tertiary lecturers during the practicum effective as an 
opportunity for development for both sides?” (second question - Q2) 
Besides, cooperation takes place not only vertically between the university of 
education and the high school but also horizontally among different disciplines. It is 
particularly meaningful in the context of Vietnamese education which is now undergoing 
significant innovation, a shift from a content approach to a competence approach. In this 
context, many new teaching approaches have been introduced: integrated teaching, 
interdisciplinary teaching, or STEM and the like. Educators have affirmed that there must 
be a collaboration between lecturers and teachers of the subjects, who both used to work 
separately, to ensure the success of the educational reform in Vietnam. How does the 
collaboration between lecturers/teachers of different subjects happen during the practicum 
of students? (third question - Q3) 
In this article, we will report the collaborations (Figure 1), between the student 
teachers of the Department of Mathematics and Information, Ho Chi Minh City University 
of Education (Vietnam) with high school teachers and lecturers of the department during 
their practicum. We begin by introducing a model of teacher training at the university, in 
particular the model of pedagogical practice. We have specific questions related to the 
collaboration. Finally, by analyzing data of the practicum and lecturers' assessment reports, 
we will discuss some possible answers to the above questions. 
HCMUE Journal of Science Le Thai Bao Thien Trung et al. 
Figure 1. Schema of components in pedagogical practicum 
2. Collaboration during practicum 
2.1. Model of teacher training at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education 
The Department of Mathematics and Information, Ho Chi Minh City University of 
Education enrolls students who graduate from high school and meet the university’s 
predefined selection criteria, in particular the total marks of three subjects - Math-Physics-
Chemistry. For the undergraduate program of Teaching Mathematics (Ho Chi Minh City 
University of Education, 2016), students must complete 135 credits of different courses: 
116 credits for compulsory subjects, 11 credits for elective subjects (including graduation 
thesis), and 8 credits for practicum in high schools. In terms of content, these courses can 
be divided into three categories: General, Pure mathematics, and Mathematics education. 
- General education: providing general knowledge of philosophy, law, informatics, 
foreign language, and some specialized pedagogical knowledge such as psychology, 
- Pure mathematics education: providing pure mathematics knowledge in four sub-
disciplines: Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Applied Mathematics. 
- Professional/Pedagogical Mathematics education: providing knowledge and practice 
in teaching mathematics, including Introduction of didactics of mathematics, Didactic of 
Algebra and Calculus, Didactic of Geometry, Testing and Assessment of mathematics in 
high school, Application of technology in teaching mathematics in high school, Theory of 
didactical situations, Basis of secondary mathematics education, Mathematics curriculum 
development in high school, Practical activities in mathematics teaching, and Construction 
and function of knowledge in teaching mathematics. 
HCMUE Journal of Science Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020): 755-765 
The total studying time can last up to 6 years. Theoretically, students can choose to 
study any course at any time of the program if they satisfy prerequisites. Below, we 
introduce a standardized process for students to complete a total of 135 credits in 8 
semesters (4 years). 
Table 1. Distribution of credits in 8 semesters 
Semester General Pure mathematics Mathematics education 
 8 9 
 10 12 
 11 9 
 9 10 
 15 3 
 5 (+5)
 8 (+5)
 3 (+6)
 4 (+3)
Total 38 63 (+5) (+6) 15 (+5) (+3) 
The practicum is organized two times, the first one in semester 6 (2 credits) and the 
second in semester 8 (6 credits). 
The table 1 shows that there are fewer courses for the Mathematics education those 
of the other two education stages. 
The teacher education program has many similarities with the ones offered in many 
countries with two phases: Phase 1 provides student teachers new ideas and knowledge; 
Phase 2 puts them to the classroom to practice these ideas and knowledge. According to 
Takahashi (2015), lesson study, like a collaborative process, brings various benefits to 
phase 2: sharing views, deepening the teaching, implementing pedagogical ideas, and 
improving observation of classroom. 
In the following section, we will discuss the collaborations during the practicum at 
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education. 
2.2. Pedagogical practicum 
According to Regulations on pedagogical practicum in teacher education according 
to the credit system (Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, 2014), the practicum 
takes place in a close coordination between Ho Chi Minh City University of Education 
(disciplinary departments) and local high schools (steering committee for practicum, 
 Students choose 2 courses in the same group: Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Applied Mathematics, 
Teaching Methods. 
 Students can choose to write a graduation thesis (6 credits) or choose 2 out of 5 courses as an alternative to 
thesis writing (3 credits/course). 
HCMUE Journal of Science Le Thai Bao Thien Trung et al. 
subject head, and instructors). Initially, students are often organized into a practicum team 
(which can include student teachers from one or many departments) with a university 
lecturer as the team representative. After that, the practicum team will go to high schools 
for 12 weeks (the first time) or 10 weeks (the second time). The practicum steering 
committee will assign high school teachers who have taught for more than five years, with 
good quality and professional ability to supervise the practicum by the students. At the end 
of the practicum, the instructors will evaluate the practicum using a given assessment 
forms and send them to the university. 
The objectives of the practicum are: 
- For the first practicum: Students will understand high schools and local education 
situations; Practicing teaching; Accumulating and practicing soft skills. 
- For the second practicum: Students will prepare and plan to teach the subject, will 
practice teaching, examine and evaluate the results of studying and managing teaching files 
and researching education, accumulate and practice soft skills. 
The content of mathematics teaching practicum is specified as follows: 
- In the first practicum: Using appropriate methods and techniques to analyze students' 
educational levels, learning interests, and learning styles; Analyzing subject program and 
program distribution, preparation of subject skills; Practicing developing the program, 
proposing meaningful adjustments, based on reality; Observing at least 6 periods of high 
school teachers; Collecting and studying references; Preparing two lesson plans for two 
classes and conducting teaching practice; Deciding on the best lesson plan to teach in class. 
- In the second practicum: Observing at least 8 periods of high school teachers; 
Observing lessons taught by students of the same department in the practicum team; 
Preparing lessons and conduct teaching at least 10 periods in front of other students of the 
same department; Teaching in class at least 10 periods. 
Although the lesson study theory has never been officially announced in a teaching 
practicum, this model still has some similarities with lesson study in other countries. We 
do a comparison between eight steps of lesson study (Stigler, & Hiebert, 1999; Pang, & 
Marton, 2003) and the teaching practice process at Ho Chi Minh City University of 
Education (Figure 2). Collaboration happens during the observation of high school teachers 
teaching, student teachers teaching and follow-up discussion among the team. The 
collaboration also happens when student teachers practice their teaching in front of other 
students and follow-up discussions (3 days before class); The collaboration also take places 
when student teachers review their lesson plans with the instructor (2 days before class) 
and reflect on their teaching after each lesson. Noting that these experiences are helpful for 
all student teachers, especially for ones who teach the same lesson in another class. 
HCMUE Journal of Science Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020): 755-765 
Figure 2. Comparison between lesson study and teaching practicum process 
at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education 
Next, we will look at the criteria for evaluating the practicum to clarify the wishes of 
the university of education for the results of collaboration (Table 2). 
Table 2. Criteria for evaluating a teaching period 
Criterion Indicators 
Contents of 
the lesson 
Ensuring the accuracy (in terms of disciplinary and political 
perspectives) and education. 
Ensuring the systematicity, content layout, and clarification of 
key contents. 
Ensuring consistency between theory and practice of the 
contents of the lesson. 
Using appropriate teaching methods to the objectives and the 
contents of the lesson. 
5 Effectively combining teaching methods during the lesson. 0,5p 
Presenting logically on the board with clear and standard 
spoken and written language. 
Selecting and using effective teaching facilities and equipment 
appropriate with the contents of the lecture. 
Stimulating students to be active, positive, and cooperative in 
Flexibly applying the steps in class and reasonably distributing 
time for the contents of the lecture. 
Results 10 Students understand and master the objectives of the lesson. 1,0p 
HCMUE Journal of Science Le Thai Bao Thien Trung et al. 
Besides, during the second practicum, the department of Mathematics and 
Informatics will go to high schools to observe lessons taught by students of the department. 
After the lesson, lecturers, high school teachers, and students will discuss and reflect on the 
lessons that have just been taught. Next, the lecturers will write a report and send it to the 
department and the school. The assessment criteria include mastering the objectives and 
knowledge of the lesson; applying teaching methods; design and use of teaching facilities; 
pedagogical skills such as presentation, expression. Students will also receive a separate 
assessment from the school during the practicum. 
2.3. Comments and questions during the collaboration 
This practicum model shows that the collaboration activities on mathematics 
teaching only take place between lecturers, students, and math teachers at high schools. 
Due to the lack of mechanisms for cooperation, non-math stakeholders groups (lecturers, 
students of other departments, and teachers of other disciplines) were not involved during 
the practicum (Figure 3). This will be a challenge for the education reform in Vietnam 
towards the orientation of integrated and interdisciplinary teaching. 
Figure 3. Collaborations during the period of teaching practice 
One possible solution in this situation (Q3) is that the university of education and the 
high school agree on the common professional activities, which require the collaboration 
of many different disciplines during teaching. 
HCMUE Journal of Science Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020): 755-765 
On the other hand, the practicum model presented above opens up more specific 
questions for the original Q1: 
Q1a: What are the similarities and differences in content, methods, means, and 
organization of teaching during the discussion between teachers and student teachers when 
developing and modifying lesson plans before each teaching period of the student teacher? 
between teachers and lecturers during the discussion after the student teacher's lesson? 
Q1b: In the situation of many different opinions, what will be a principle for an 
agreement, for a final decision on the student teacher's lesson? 
In order to answer the above question, we need to observe (with videos) and then 
analyze the discussions between teachers, student teachers, and lecturers during the 
In addition, because the evaluation of lecturers does not affect students' scores, it 
somehow affects the purposes of lecturers going to high school to observe classes and 
discuss with student teachers and high school teachers. For the initial Q2, to what extent 
this observation can help in student teacher’s career development (Q2a)? reviewing 
lecturer’s training practice (Q2b)? high school teacher’s instruction (Q2c)? 
In order to thoroughly answer the above questions, there is a need for long-term 
studies on the impacts after the practicum for all sides. In the first phase, we will only 
analyze the lesson evaluation form, the general assessment on the quality of teaching 
practice form and the summary report on the practicum of the Department of Mathematics 
and Informatics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education for the practicum of the school 
year 2018-2019. These are the documents that lecturers and departments need to complete 
and submit to the university. These are the evidence for lecturers and departments to 
propose a review on the collaboration and resources for collaboration improve the quality 
of training (Q2b), such as changing the way of collecting information, practicum 
organization, coordination with high school, and teaching Pure Mathematics and 
Mathematics Education courses. 
3. Evaluation of the results of collaboration via lecturers’ practicum assessment 
Seven evaluation forms were analyzed in this section based on 21 lessons at 9 high 
schools in Ho Chi Minh City. These lecturers are coded as TE1, TE2, ..., and TE7. Table 3 
summarizes demographic information relating to the seven lecturers. 
HCMUE Journal of Science Le Thai Bao Thien Trung et al. 
Table 3. Basis information of the lecturers joing the study 
Teaching experience 
Below 10 years Above 10 years 
Pure Mathematics TE1, TE2 TE3, TE4, TE5 
Mathematics Education TE6 TE7 
We will summarize the issues that the lecturers mentioned in the form provided by 
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education. 
Regarding mastering the objectives and knowledge of the lesson, the lecturers all 
reported the student teachers’ mastery of the objectives of the lesson and the accuracy of 
math knowledge in the teaching period. In addition, TE1 and TE2 were concerned about 
the balance between the theory and the exercises (practice); TE5 paid attention to how to 
lead and present contents to achieve the goals of teaching. 
Regarding the practice of teaching methods, all lecturers reported students’s use of 
appropriate methods during the class to help high school students learn. However, there is 
a difference between the more experienced Pure Mathematics lecturers (TE3, TE4, TE5) 
and Mathematics Education lecturers (TE6, TE7). TE6 and TE7 commented in detail the 
methods from a process perspective and paid attention to positive methods. Meanwhile 
TE3, TE4, and TE5 only commented on traditional teaching methods (presentations, 
questions) with theoretical teaching and homework. In addition, TE1 and TE7 showed 
interest in creating motivation for learning a new math knowledge. TE7 was more 
interested in the real-life association in the lesson. 
Regarding the design and use of teaching facilities, all lecturers reported on the use 
of traditional teaching facilities (rulers, compasses) and paid attention to student teachers’ 
ability to use informatics media in teaching mathematics. Regarding the presentation and 
oral skills, all lecturers recorded the same interest. As regards the presentation on the 
board, the assessment includes arranging the layout of headings, content, writing, 
drawings, using colored chalk, saving space, clearing the board. As regards oral skills the 
assessment includes speaking speed, pronunciation, and expressing ideas. In particular, 
TE5 raised an issue of student teachers’ ability to observe and manage class during the 
teaching. In summary, except for the "the use of teaching methods", the evaluations show 
similar concerns across all the lecturers. For the "teaching method" section, there are 
differences between Pure Mathematics and Mathematics Education lecturers. This can be 
explained by the expertise of the Math Education lecturers of Mathematics Teaching 
Methodology. These differences show that it is necessary to separate forms for Pure 
Mathematics and Education Mathematics lecturers with more specific and detailed criteria 
HCMUE Journal of Science Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020): 755-765 
so that each form can have space for the differences, for more thoughtful comments, 
assessments and suggestions. 
Also, we recorded some feedback on the training programs at the university of 
education. Specifically, after summarizing the assessments from the lecturers, the 
Department of Mathematics and Informatics also gave recommendations in the report to 
the university of education: "Lecturers need to focus on providing training in vocational 
skills and soft skills (communication, behavior) for students in every lesson. The university 
needs to develop more topics to improve soft skills for students". Besides, although it is 
explicit in the evaluation form, TE5 has proposed: “There should be a request for students 
in the group to observe each other practicing and evaluate their peers”. This proposal tends 
to relate to administration, to better manage collaboration activities during the observation 
time. From here, we believe that it is necessary to add to the form of the lecturer a section 
of a proposal for training at the university of education. Indeed, the data that we obtained 
only focused on the reports on the students, not on the issue of reviewing the training 
program at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics. 
 Conflict of Interest: Authors have no conflict of interest to declare. 
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education (2014). Quy che thuc tap su pham theo hoc che tin chi 
[Regulations on pedagogical practice in teacher training according to the credit system]. 
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education (2016). Chuong trinh dao tao Cu nhan Su pham Toan 
[Higher education program - Bachelor of Teaching Mathematics]. 
Pang, M. F, & Marton, F. (2003). Beyond “lesson study”: Comparing two ways of facilitating the 
grasp of some economic concepts. Instructional Science, 31, 175-194. 
Stigler, J. W., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap: Best ideas from the world’s teacher for 
improving education in the classroom. New York: The Free Press. 
Takahashi, A. (2015). Lesson study: An essential process for improving mathematics teaching and 
learning. In M. Inprasitha, M. Isoda, P. Wang-Iverson, & B. Har Yeap (Eds.) Lesson study: 
Challenges in Mathematics Education, 51-58. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. 
Pte. Ltd. 
Tran T. T. M. (2012). Yeu cau cua mo hinh dao tao nghiep vu su pham tai cac truong su pham 
[Some requirements for the model in pedagogic professional training at universities of 
pedagogy]. Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Journal of Science, 34, 32-40. 
HCMUE Journal of Science Le Thai Bao Thien Trung et al. 
Lê Thái Bảo Thiên Trung*, Tăng Minh Dũng 
Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam 
Tác giả liên hệ: Lê Thái Bảo Thiên Trung – Email: trungltbt@hcmue.edu.vn 
Ngày nhận bài: 18-10-2019; ngày nhận bài sửa: 21-11-2019; ngày duyệt đăng: 25-5-2020 
Nhiều trường đại học sư phạm lớn của Việt Nam có lịch sử lâu đời tính từ các đại học tiền 
thân theo mô hình đại học sư phạm kiểu Pháp (khoảng giữa thế kỉ XX). Trong mô hình này, việc 
đào tạo giáo viên Toán đặt trọng tâm trên việc trang bị cho sinh viên các kiến thức toán lí thuyết. 
Khoảng mười năm gần đây, dưới áp lực phải thay đổi của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, vấn đề đào tạo 
nghiệp vụ ngày càng được chú ý hơn. Tỉ lệ các học phần liên quan đến Giáo dục và Giáo dục toán 
học đã tăng thêm mặc dù vẫn nhỏ hơn so với tỉ lệ học phần về toán lí thuyết. Trong bối cảnh này, 
Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đã tổ chức công tác: giảng viên dự giờ giáo 
sinh trong kì thực tập sư phạm tại trường trung học phổ thông. Để phân tích công tác này, chúng 
tôi mô hình hóa nó như một sự cộng tác của các bên liên quan và tiến hành phân tích dữ liệu ban 
đầu thông qua một số báo cáo của giảng viên. Kết quả gợi ý cần cải tiến mức độ tham gia của 
giảng viên trường sư phạm trong mô hình hợp tác này. 
Từ khóa: hợp tác; giáo sinh; thực tập sư phạm; đào tạo giáo viên 

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